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Data protection

The UK General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 requires organisations that handle personal information to comply with a number of important principles. It also gives individuals rights over their personal information.

We provide a wide range of services and to administer these services efficiently it may be necessary for us to process personal information. We are committed to respecting privacy, keeping personal information safe and ensuring that information held about you is processed in accordance with the rights provided in the Data Protection Act 2018.

Click the boxes below to find out more on how the Hoople Ltd processes your personal data.

How Hoople Ltd processes your personal data

  • Our Data Protection Policy

    Our Data Protection Policy sets out how Hoople protects personal data and ensures compliance with data protection law.

    Our Data Protection Policy
  • My rights as a data subject

    Individuals have a number of rights under data protection law. Further information is available in our guidance document.

    Data subject rights guidance
  • Our Privacy Notices

    A privacy notice sets out the type of personal information and data we may collect from you in order to provide you with services, how we will protect it and the limits on how we can use it. We provide specific privacy notices for the various service areas so that you can see how we are keeping your data and information secure.

    Privacy notices